Tuesday, May 12, 2009

019 Cowell Factor

This week I’m coming to you live from Hollywood, as I go to check out American Idol live!

What a show it was…ROCK week. But the downside, Paula Abdul decides to make a pop comeback by lip-syncing!!

So finally American Idol decides to get serious and do rock week and did it work, because 64 million people voted…an all-time record.

But before I let to much California sunshine get to my head, let's find out what’s in this week’s Fame Games talent bank. ‘Cause let’s face it! This is the future of where rock lives.

Now while the staff are selecting their own top artists, I’m going to pick my top three!

Listen to this podcast to find out which Fame Games artists I pick as my top 3 as well as other behind-the-scenes news at American Idol, Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor news about Leona Lewis!

The Cowell Factor

If you've only got ONE shot at FAME you might as well get it right!!