But first….what’s going on with American Idol?
It must have been what NOT to wear week. Paula’s was dressed in what looked like purple lingerie.
But Never mind the Idol fashions - it’s the music that counts. Isn’t it?
This weeks theme was the top 40 most popular downloads. It gives you an idea of the song choices this week. And now that Megan’s been voted off and sent home to Utah to learn how to sing…. the final looks all the more predictable with young Elvis lookalike Adam Lambert still the hot favourite to win. Much to Simon’s delight of course!!
And now the bad news - Next week Kellie Pickler returns to the IDOL stage - And I have one question = WHY?...
Talking of losers - I hear that Simon’s dumped X factor runners up Same Difference. The only brother and sister act who gave the show the cheese factor. Simon SAYS. Look, we invested a lot of money in these guys - and it didn’t work out. The album didn’t sell.
I’m not surprised - it was twenty years too late!!
So…. there I was - just helping my mother clear out the gin bottles from under her bed - when suddenly I heard the sound of Derek Stroker coming from the Fames Games talent bank. This Nashville singer has a unique cool sound and I love his song Move Your Feet - is Stroker yor real name Derek? Really? I love it - and your music.
Once I’d binned the gin bottles I had the chance to listen to Brit band - Killer Heels. Your songs are quite theatrical - which certainly appeals to me - yea there is a hint of STING in your voice - but so what - its no bad thing. I was initially drawn to your song Never More Than Now. Give me more…. Killer….songs
Now I know I’m forever moaning on about all the bad covers on American Idol or The X Factor - but like Stars Go Dim - I get over it - simply because I know these are merely TV talent shows.
But over the past couple of weeks ….I have to admit… (that along with 30 million others) I’ve been totally mesmerised by Idol contestant Adam Lambert - simply because I can’t wait to find out whether he can write his own songs.
And I couldn’t help but wonder - I hope he can because no matter how good your voice is - I think at some point, as an artist, you have to consider whether you are going to put your future in other peoples hands - and I don’t just mean Simon’s - I mean trusting that you will have - the pick of the best songwriters in the world at your feet.
Well ..if Adam can't write songs - there is one fact that does baud well for his future - ELVIS Presely was the biggest selling recording artist of all time ---and Yet he never recorded one song that he wrote.
So maybe there is hope after all….
So …If you want to talk about hope, fame or even me - email me at Tony@famegamesradio .com. To hear the rest of this week's blog, listen to this pod cast here or go to www.meermusic.com or www.famegamesradio.com
If you've only got ONE shot at FAME you might as well get it right!!
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