I try to keep an eye on all the talent here on Fame Games. It’s just that every now and then I’m drawn back to my favourite artists. One of these is Midori and Audioclique. I’ve just heard Her Paradise. And I adore this song. The thing is about you guys is you are so prolific - you keep on coming up with great songs. And it’s because of this I’m convinced you’re definitely gonna make it big.
And you - Jason Adamo - you have this amazing voice that is capable of such emotion. I love your song August – it’s just so compelling. You always email me Jason - which I appreciate. You are one of those artists - and I’ve said this before - who I think could be a finalist on Idol. So do it - if just for the experience- get down to Florida on 7th and 8th July and audition. You don’t have to win idol - to make a name for yourself.
So what’s been happening in Cowell world??
Well, while taking a short break from counting money - Simon tells me he is about to sign a deal with NBC to take the X factor to America - with Cheryl Cole heading up the panel. My god- is this girl gonna be busy or what? Meanwhile the British tabloids continue to amuse me by suggesting that Robbie Williams is the man to replace Simon on the X Factor panel. Yea right! Sid Olivera stands more chance than Robbie.
So here’s the thing…sometimes, just sometimes I feel the need to revert to being a pure and wholesome streetwise journalist.
So here’s the thing…sometimes, just sometimes I feel the need to revert to being a pure and wholesome streetwise journalist.
And coming - as I do - from the publishing world - I know all about the scams from so called vanity publishers. These are the guys that tell you they want to publish your book - and they do - but for an extortionate fee. How cruel is that?
So…..the same thing happens in the music biz - particularly on the net. How many of you enter your songs into song writing competitions? Because a few of you have emailed me to complain about how some of these competitions work - and what they charge you.
Now I know there are a few really good competitions out there - notably the John Lennon song writing contest which is still run by Yoko. But hopefully she’s not on the judging panel.
Now one of these companies - who I cannot name - claim that if you pay them 30 bucks for sending in one of your songs - you may get a chance of being discovered by Simon Cowell or Paul McCartney. How about that???
Let me make it absolutely clear…. neither Simon or Paul will ever get to hear your song. Not because your song is crap - but simply because these guys are so busy - AND are not in any way associated with the company - even though their photos are being used on the website. So be warned - don’t get taken in by these companies. Because all those 30 bucks soon add up - which - as I found out - is probably why this particular company got to make over 12 million dollars last year. So if you are unsure about any of these companies - please email me at Tony at fames radio.com - and I will put you right.
Now…still on song writing - but on a much lighter note.
while I was visiting the Fame Games studio last week - I very kindly allowed DJ Cirer and Sid to interview me, I know I’m really kind like that. During the interview DJ Krier revealed the fact that I used to write poetry as a kid. I’m not shy about that - but it kinda got me thinking….where have all the poets gone??
Is it just me or are a lot of today’s song lyrics shit? - crap. What are the worst lyrics ever recorded??? One of the more recent songs that comes to mind is Shakira’s Whenever Wherever….where she gets to sing.
"Lucky that my breasts
Are small and humble
So you don't confuse them with mountains" ....wow that’s so poetic
Or - how about 50 cents….
"I love you like
Or - how about 50 cents….
"I love you like
A fat kid loves cake" -
Mmmm…So…I shall be keeping an eye out for any bad lyrics I find on Fame Games - and I hope I don’t find any….but in the meantime you can always share your favourite bad lyrics with me tony@famegamesradio.com , and the worst ones I will read out on the Cowell Factor next week.
And finally….. My thanks go out to everyone I met last week at the Fame Games studio. I had so much fun - and I can’t believe what a talented bunch you are. And to all you indie artists out there - you know what? You should be really proud of these guys - because they never stop working on your behalf.
Mmmm…So…I shall be keeping an eye out for any bad lyrics I find on Fame Games - and I hope I don’t find any….but in the meantime you can always share your favourite bad lyrics with me tony@famegamesradio.com , and the worst ones I will read out on the Cowell Factor next week.
And finally….. My thanks go out to everyone I met last week at the Fame Games studio. I had so much fun - and I can’t believe what a talented bunch you are. And to all you indie artists out there - you know what? You should be really proud of these guys - because they never stop working on your behalf.
Email me please at
The Cowell Factor
If you've only got ONE shot at FAME you might as well get it right!!
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