Wednesday, December 30, 2009

052: Are you going to watch American Idol? Fans speak out!

No scandles this week…it’s Christmas after all! Simon gears up for a new season of Idol, will you be watching? You emails are rather telling!

Coming up: Why is it so hard to write a good Christmas song?

ALSO, don't miss: my latest Fame Games picks…and they have a Christmas theme.

Are you ready for American Idol? It’s set to begin January 12th with the auditions. Listen and find out all the guest judges!

I’ve received hundreds of idol-related emails listen to my Cowell Factor HERE or go to and hear about the Anti-Idol movement!

John Lennon said: I’m not gonna change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything.

With the Christmas no. 1 slipping out of Simon's hands, will he change his ways and conform? I find out!

And speaking of Christmas, why is it so hard to write a good Christmas song? What MUST good Christmas songs have?

I want to know from you: If you had to choose one Christmas song as a standout, what would it be?

Until after the New Year, have a Happy Holiday and be safe.

You can always email me at

(New to, to listen to this Cowell Factor and previous Cowell Factor's, on the right side of this page is a player listing all the shows, simply click on the play button to listen to the most recent Cowell Factor!)

**The Cowell Factor is an exclusive feature on the daily Fame Games Radio show, aired on Envision Radio Networks in association with Triton/DialGlobal Radio Networks. The Cowell Factor is hosted by Tony Cowell, best selling author, brother of Simon Cowell and head of CowellMedia. The Cowell Factor appears weekly on the Saturday Fame Games Final. For more information please visit

The Cowell Factor

If you've only got ONE shot at FAME you might as well get it right!!

1 comment:

  1. MOST definitely no one will come to your blog Tony if you do cover American Idol 2010! Its not that we don't like what you talk about-we love it!- its just the fact that America's sweetheart is out of the picture for Idol! And Saula is also a huge thing! Simon is such a wise man, and he should know that Saula will bring lots of cash to his pocket, even though most people (like I) do want to believe Simon and Paula are truly in love... Which is really not that hard to believe considering how Simon doesn't seem to be a good actor and Paula doesn't really have the guts to lie (... I hope.)
