I’ve finally escaped the madness of Hollywood - only to find London in the grip of Britain’s Got Talent fever. So I’d best not mention that The X Factor auditions have just kicked off had I?
But first …..As I left Simon in Hollywood to sort out an Idol winner by next Wednesday - I was seriously impressed that he managed to pick a U2 song for Adam to sing. At last he’s warming to rock after all those years in the cheesy pop wilderness.
Look, Idol is OK when you are there in the thick of a live show. You see it for what it really is - great TV - with last weeks show getting a titanic 88 million votes. Can you believe that? But you know what? - I have to take my hat off to this guy Adam Lambert - He’s the best all round entertainer this competition has ever seen. And if he wins (which he will) he’ll be the first male singer (or shall we say boy singer) capable of selling trillions of records.
But… so long Idol - its been great to see you. Now I wanna get back to real music - right here in the Fame Games talent bank………..And I’ve stepped outside the rock box this week because I think these guys deserve some credit. My first pick is classical pianist Corrado Rossi. Your track In a Whisper is superb and would make a brilliant film soundtrack
Next up is London folk band Clayton - who write great folksy pop songs. Lindsay - Your vocal on the track Two Days Out of Seven - is absolutely stunning.
So here’s the thing - Love him or loathe him American Idol finalist Adam Lambert has so much vocal talent -why have we not heard of him prior to Idol? Where has he been?
For me, Adam’s back story illustrates precisely how hard it really is to break-through in this business. Fame is a fickle mistress. And for those who wanna court her - you’d better be prepared to be patient.
The paradox is…. we live in a fame epidemic - it's like a disease. Everyone wants to be famous. But yet its still so hard to actually grasp fame - to get your hot little fingers round it.
The easiest way to handle this - is not to seek fame - but rather to seek success. To want to be famous is a little…well… crude. (Not even Simon wanted to be famous) It came organically through hard work.
...To hear my full podcast, listen here or subscribe FREE through I-tunes. You can also go to http://www.meermusic.com/ and http://www.famegamesradio.com/ to listen to by podcast every week and to check out all the artists I name each week in the Cowell Factor!
I’m off to Hollywood now for the finale of Idol where I’ll be reporting exclusively for Fame Games. Apparently I will get to see Lionel Richie, Carlos Santana, and Keith Urban perform. email me please at tomy@famegamesradio.com
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