What an upset! - THE UNDERDOG wins American idol. Kara strips down to her undies. Simon’s late for the show because he was having vitamin injections! Yes...this is a regular day in Hollywood!
So….the fresh-faced boy from Arkansas beats a theatrical guy who wears leather and eyeliner. But why…Is it because America’s not ready to crown a guy who looks like Liza Minnelli? Or is it that American Idol has become like American Airlines; in that nowadays you get far less for your money and it takes much longer to reach your destination.
So how did Idol end for you? Were you satisfied with the result? Or were you just like Simon - who couldn’t care less.
Oh come on…I know you all secretly couldn’t help yourself watch the final - even though what you SHOULD have being doing was what I’ve been telling you to do.
Write more songs
Keep in the zone
Believe in yourself.
Don’t be distracted.
Don’t be fazed by rejection.
And… keep on Gigging.
Remember what Simon said….build up your own fan base by playing live - then its so much harder for the record labels to ignore you.
So?…..have you done all that? - well have you?????
Listen to this podcast and hear my daily diary from this past week as I was behind the scenes at the American Idol Finale!
Next week I will be reporting from the final week of Britain’s Got Talent - and, as well as my exclusive interview with Simon, I’ll be talking to Susan Boyle. Why? Well……not for fashion advice that’s for sure.
Cowell Factor EXCLUSIVE
So….back to Idol. And now I wanna know from YOU…should Adam Lambert have won -
or is he NOW merely destined to duet with Susan Boyle on her new album?
I wanna know from you...exactly what you think about the Idol result. Was it fair that Kris won?
If not tell me why...AND...the best email could win you tickets to the final of this summer's X Factor in London where the winner will join me and go backstage to meet Simon and the winners. So………………. No emails? No tickets. Send your emails to tony@famegamesradio.com
...To hear my full podcast, listen here or subscribe FREE through I-tunes. You can also go to http://www.meermusic.com/ and http://www.famegamesradio.com/ to listen to by podcast every week and to check out all the artists I name each week in the Cowell Factor!
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